50 Fun Facts!

I am still very interested in learning and experiencing life; I’m not going to put a sock in it or fade away but like everyone who knows really what the future has in store for us.

I have been receiving birthday love and I really appreciate it; every year I get older there is seemingly a new format or platform to be wished a Happy Birthday on and I can’t wait to see what technology brings us next B-Day.

I would be a different person without these fifty impacts on my life:

  1. Frank Sinatra
  2. Elvis Presely
  3. Buddy Holly
  4. Miles Davis
  5. John Coltrane
  6. Stevie Wonder
  7. The Talking Heads
  8. Willie Nelson
  9. David Bowie
  10. Elvis Costello
  1. John Irving
  2. Tennessee Williams
  3. John Steinbeck
  4. J.D. Salinger
  5. Frank Conroy
  6. Ernest Hemingway
  7. F. Scott Fitzgerald
  8. George Orwell
  9. Mark Twain
  10. Kurt Vonnegut
  1. Pablo Picasso
  2. Wassily Kandinsky
  3. Hieronymus Bosch
  4. Norman Rockwell
  5. Jean-Michel Basquiat
  6. Keith Haring
  7. Diego Rivera
  8. Piet Mondrian
  9. Paul Klee
  10. Roy Lichtenstein
  1. Martin Scorsese
  2. P.T. Anderson
  3. Francis Ford Coppola
  4. Woody Allen
  5. Pedro Almodovar
  6. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
  7. Stanley Kubrick
  8. Clint Eastwood
  9. Steven Spielberg
  10. Quentin Tarantino
  1. Irene Santana
  2. Pedro Santana
  3. Anthony Francis Santana
  4. Rafael Hernandez
  5. Herminia Hernandez
  6. Jennifer Ann Santana
  7. Nicholas Francis Santana
  8. Alexander Pierce Santana
  9. Aidan Irene Santana
  10. YOU

I am willing to see the next gen; except for the family one there is no particular order but my mainstream of  life would be entirely lifeless.

Thanks for being my friend; lets do another 50 years and compare lists!
Have I told you lately that I love you?

God is Love,


Good-bye my 40’s…

I have my usual alarm set for tomorrow; 5:45 am and I go make coffee for the high school boys and we stagger to the car to drop them off at the Universal Metro Station. This will be the first time the boys will have a volunteer Uber driver who just turned fifty…It will be more of a trip for me then them.

Speaking of the trip:

I was born to Pedro & Irene and my parents were in their 30’s so there was a lot of excitement from my extended family because 30 was usually a good age for being a grandparent. So, there was a curiosity to see such “old” folks having kid. What could go wrong?

Well, almost everything. Dads weren’t allowed in the delivery room then and the final instructions from Irene to Pedro were no matter what happens his name is Erich Santana! Well, they wheeled her away and gave her what was called a saddle block; instead of going down it went up and two weeks later she woke up from a coma. The family naturally all followed her while I waited patiently in the nursery. Not a lot of taps on the glass to say hi.

When (gratefully) Irene came out of the coma; she learned that the Chinese looking kid in the picture was named Pedro Rafael (Irene’s Dad) Santana, Jr. (Technically impossible…) and boy were Pedro and Pedro in hot water. No Erich,a near death experience and Pedro couldn’t follow one simple request. We were in the doghouse for awhile.

Child actor by seven and member of SAG and AFTRA since 1973; avoided having to go to St. Charles Borremeo by going to school on the set. So, not a typical child hood and because I was “working” I was unable to do things or activities most kids did as part of their routines.

Not bitter but I feel like I missed a few things; but, the one thing I missed out completely was the ability to use the excuse of having a bad childhood. Pedro and Irene loved me and the guy who broke my only child status Anthony Francis Santana (They got his name right…) and although seven years is a big age difference I really liked having a baby brother even though he couldn’t play catch or go to the movies with me without crying through the whole thing.

Nearly (A day at a time pal…) fifty years later Mom is gone; technically dying twice with a long and horrific experience with Alzheimer’s and Pedro is still working and probably never retiring. I married Jen and had the sons any parent would wish for (Nicholas Francis Santana and Alexander Pierce Santana) and now nearly a month ago young Anthony and his lovely wife Elena adopted a newborn (who came early! Atta girl!) from Joplin, MO. She has been in California with us for about three weeks and this lovely gal is named Aidan Irene Santana. Tony and Elena saved this little girl’s life! She was never going to have the amount of love she has received in a month in her whole childhood. It’s not easy having kids at any age; but these two took this new challenge and I am so very proud of them. I have seen my niece quite a few times. My extended family is huge! I see a baby and then I don’t see them again for years. I have seen this baby girl and every time I see her again she’s still baby size! I love seeing my boys in complete amazement of their cousin and this little girl is well protected and loved and we’re having a “sprinkle” for her in a couple of weeks.

Am I exactly where I want to be at fifty? No, but another Francis once said, “The Best is Yet to Come…” and you know what? I believe him. He recorded “Live at the Sands” in 1966 and he had just turned 50 then! So, I feel ready for any and everything. I have met a lot of people in fifty years and many have left a mark on me that I’ll think of them until my last day and there are some I have no idea where they are but I hope they’re happy. The people who were my biggest adversaries  in my 40’s were typically in their 50’s so we’ll be moving into different age categories together and I hope your impending 60’s softens you but the good news is it’s not my problem or my decision.

I am creating (Have been working on it a little longer than I hoped…) on a podcast called “Change Your Spots” and it will be mostly about music not from the Woodstock era, books not written by James Redfield or Scott Peck and movies not on everyone’s radar. I am doing this for myself to stay and maintain an informed and CURRENT opinion. It was suggested to me I let go of old ideas a long time ago and since then I had to let go of several more and probably creating some as we speak. So, I am excited and I am very , very sure with the exception of a handful of folks my audience is going to be mostly of people I don’t know; have never met and may never see in person.

Have I told you lately that I love you?

My forties were pretty good; bring it on my fifties-bring it on!











Rest in peace…

These three little words have been said quite a bit in 2016. Several notable personalities and entertainers have died and they are people who once seemed immortal and a reminder of our earlier life. Garry Shandling died today; he was a person who gave you a behind the scenes look at a late night talk show and all the things and personalities and egos that gather together to make a one hour show come to life five nights a week.

I last saw him late last year at the memorial of one of his “Larry Sanders” writers Chris Thompson; Mr. Shandling looked fit and sharp and was in very good spirits despite the gathering being a memorial. I approached him and asked him if he was still boxing. I read in a GQ profile that he had begun boxing and Buddist meditation at the same time. This seemed like the make up of Mr. Shandling all his life is an internal Ying/Yang. He was legendary for hosting a regular pick up game of basketball at his house with all the more athletic comedians shooting hoops.

He left the earth too soon and of this writing no official cause of death has been announced.

One of the more staggering deaths many of my friends and quite honestly myself has been the death of David Bowie. He truly seemed immortal once Ziggy and The Thin White Duke came to life. He left this world with the remarkable and haunting “Black Star” album. He left the world swinging. Although I’ll never be a fan of death; he made it seem wonderful with his actions just prior and his requests to follow once he was gone. Ambitious and photogenic to his last breath.

I went to see his “Serious Moonlight” Tour at Dodger Stadium and this new more mainstream looking Bowie had sold out the place a few dates. I went to the show with a child hood friend from a conservative family and when the Dodgers scoreboard showed him in younger versions and make up and red cropped hair my innocent companion asked, “Who is that person?” He could not believe they were the same guy! I like so many Bowie fans knew anything was possible and he could go in any direction.

Some of his contemporaries that have passed including: Bassist Chris Squire of Yes, Actor Ken Howard, Conductor Pierre Boulez, Writer Pat Conroy, and former Eagle Glenn Frey just to mention a few felt a lot less surprising to me than the death of David Bowie; they had all seemed to live a full life-not necessarily a long life but one with long histories and accomplishments. I just remember when the late Dick Clark spoke after the death of Elvis Presely, “We all wondered what an elderly Elvis would be like and sadly we’ll never know.” I would have loved to see Bowie one more time, hear his follow ups to “Black Star” but sadly we’ll never know.

I don’t use the words rest in peace lightly but I am quite tired of those three little words; to be completely honest with you.

Thanks Gary Shandling; you’ll be missed by many.