The Oscar for Best Actress…My head and heart picks…

Jasmine portrayed by Cate Blanchet and written by Woody Allen had provided the cinematic world with 21st century’s “Blanche DuBois” in “Blue Jasmine. The performance is the strongest, craziest, and most powerful female character Mr. Allen has ever written; and a few of his leading and supporting ladies have won those gold statues. No one but Mr. Allen could have written this character and Mr. Tennessee Williams would have been incredibly impressed-or not with this legendary performance. Now that leaves the rest of the field. Tiger Woods in his prime used to light up sports talk with the question would you take Tiger or the rest of the field? Of course Tiger was the sane bet at one time. Same could be said here. Sandra Bullock, carried the film “Gravity” but her solo scenes paled in comparison to the “solo” scenes of Jasmine while other people where in the shot. Judi Dench, played “Philomena” with such sweet simplicity and earnest compasion that she would have won any other year. I hope she gets another lead or two in the near future because she still has her powerful ability to not keep your eyes off of her. Meryl Streep has lost more Oscars than she should have and I would not be upset if this was another loss. Her performance as the pill-addicted matriarch of Oklahoman erudite living was her “Pacinoesque” over the top performance but you just can’t wait to see what she’ll do next. Amy Adams is slightly taller than an Oscar and the fact that she doesn’t have a few of her own already is criminal but typical. She carried “American Hustle” like she’s carried several films (The Fighter, The Master, etc…) and I don’t think she’s going to win tonight but if you love “American Hustle” like I do she’s the main reason.

So, my heart says Amy Adams my mind says Cate Blanchet.