Oscar Picks Heart & Brain-Best Adapted Screenplay

The adapted screenplay category achieved many things this year; more than previous years for sure. We learned of the genius and tragedy of Alan Turing “The Imitation Game” by Graham Moore, a recluse American writer who must have collaborated with another human being probably for the first and last time “Inherent Vice” adapted from Thomas Pynchon’s novel by “Paul Thomas Anderson,” a short film became a full length movie “Whiplash” by Damien Chazelle, insight into the life of Stephen Hawking “The Theory of Everything” by Anthony McCarten and the tragedy of war and the PTSD that can be the cause of death of a fellow soldier and hero “American Sniper” by Jason Hall.

My heart says “The Imitation Game” would win in any other year; Turing’s machine (The prototype for what I am using to write this blog…) the inane punishment for being homosexual and his invention saving millions of lives and shortening World War II by several years was unreported history. It had layers, and time lapse and explanations that were far too long from being told.

My brain says that tonight’s winner will be: “The Theory of Everything.” Stephen Hawking had a promising life and he was a lovable and charming man who outlived a rare illness and thrived in a field that needs more inspired men to carry his legacy for years to come. His humanity was captured from the source of his first wife Jane’s autobiography so brilliantly because his perspective would not have been as interesting or understandable to us non-scientist types.

Damien Chazelle’s next script whatever it is will be the one I most look forward to and the next and the next…

Awards Season: “12 Years a Slave” Screenplay by John Ridley.

Awards Season: “12 Years a Slave” Screenplay by John Ridley.

Awards Season: “12 Years a Slave” Screenplay by John Ridley. Best Adapted Screenplay.

For your consideration & reading enjoyment!



Awards Season: “All is Lost” Screenplay by J.C. Chandor for Best Writing

Awards Season: “All is Lost” Screenplay by J.C. Chandor for Best Writing

Awards Season: “All is Lost” Screenplay  by J.C. Chandor for Best Writing for your consideration and reading enjoyment.

This should be and most likely will be required reading for any up and coming or current screenwriters. The action described on the page is visually pulled off in this stunning film with less dialogue than most films.
