Best Adapted Screenplay-Heart Picks and Head Picks

I would be very disappointed if Richard Linklater (or Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke) won an Oscar before Matthew McConaughey did. I would also have rather had wanted to see “Lone Survivor” get the nod over “Before Midnight.” Billy Ray’s script for “Captain Phillips” was probably not calling for accents to be lost over the course of the film and maybe it dealt with the eventual heroes the Navy Seals. The wrong script about Navy Seals was chosen again. “Philomena” was masterful and a serious toned with moments of levity fueled by sarcasm by its male star and co-writer Steve Coogan. John Ridley’s adaptation of”12 Years a Slave” recounted a story many Americans wish wasn’t in our history. It’s comedic counterpart of last year, “Django Unchained” was a winner in the original category and it makes me wonder what the Academy will do eventually. The best most exhaustive screenplay was “The Wolf of Wall Street” and a return to form of the master, Terrence Winter. If we saw Mr. Scorsese film the scene it all began and ended with Mr. Winter’s words.

My heart Terrence Winter and my head John Ridley.