The Spirit Awards: Best Director Breakdown

The five directors nominated are gifted, visionary and over due for recognition. The world of film is a better place with these folks making pictures.

The nominees are:

Mr. Wes Anderson “Moonrise Kingdom

Mr. David O. Russell “Silver Linings Playbook

Mr. Ira Sachs “Keep the Lights On

Mr.Benh ZeitlinBeasts of the Southern Wild

and the Michael Haneke to Ben Affleck who bumped Richard Linklater out of the category is

Ms. Julia Loktev “The Loneliest Planet

Four directors who you know from history or recent buzz so one must look at the obvious first and Ms. Loktev made a film that less people saw but the beauty of Spirit Awards are dark horses are encouraged.What Mr. Linklater was able to capture in a rural setting Ms. Loktev was able to capture in the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia. Intensity, doubt and revelation in high elevation is the reason she earned this well deserved nod.

Mr. Zeitlin lived the life of his scenery, and captured a place that seemed both fun, adventurous and dangerous. You were given a place and a time but you couldn’t believe that was the USA. You saw survival of the least fit and he made them people you wish openly or secretively you would trade places with because their freedom was original and creative. Amazing shots captured in an amazing place and time in our world.

Ira Sachs received 25k dollars from a Kickstarter campaign to get this ball rolling and he rolled it from the highest mountain top. This film captured the dark side of loving a person who can’t love themselves. Who is crazier the addict or the one addicted to loving the addict. It’s the complicated love story of two young men who are living in an age of openness and freedom yet what could be Shangri La turns out to Hades. Mr. Sachs made a film that was both gritty and tender and that’s never an easy task to convey.

Mr. Anderson and his “Moonrise Kingdom” was a hit not because of the A-List/former Oscar Winning/Nominated Cast but entrusting the story of two unknown first time movie starring teens with his vision, brand and wit. Mr. Anderson deserves the award here not for his history but for his time here and now. He’s already knee deep in his next project and the only other director prepping his next film is the final nominee.

David O. Russell has changed. He’s a better director than ever and like Mr. Anderson film buffs wonder can he top himself is it even possible? And they do. Mr. Russell has created a film that endears an already endearing film world to actors both familiar and dutiful. He captures the world of ADHD, family dysfunction, psychiatry, adultery, grief, gambling, and true love and throw in dancing and competition he does the novel’s author Matthew Quick complete poetic justice.

My heart says Wes Anderson my head says Benh Zeitlin.